What Do Consumer Durables Jobs Pay

What Do Consumer Durables Jobs Pay

What do you think of when you hear the words “consumer durables?” Likely, thoughts of high-priced items like appliances, televisions, and furniture come to mind. You may not realize it, but these types of jobs pay quite well. In fact, according to a recent report from Indeed.com, the average salary for consumer durables jobs is over $75,000 per year. That’s more than many other professions! So if you’re looking for a high-paying job in the manufacturing industry, consumer durables may be a great option for you. Keep reading to learn more about what these jobs involve and how to land one.

What Is the Average Salary for a Consumer Durables Worker

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that the average salary for workers in the consumer durables manufacturing industry was $33,200 as of May 2013. This figure is slightly below the average salary for all manufacturing jobs, which was $36,200 during the same period. salaries in the consumer durables industry can vary considerably depending on a number of factors, including experience, education, and job title. For example, the BLS reports that production workers in the industry earned an average salary of $27,700 per year, while engineers earned an average of $79,600.

The specific job title also plays a role in earnings. For instance, sewing machine operators earned an average salary of $24,610 per year as of May 2013, while machinists averaged $38,280. Geographical location is another important factor to consider when looking at salaries in the consumer durables industry. The BLS reports that workers in the San Francisco area earned an average salary of $39,430 per year as of May 2013, while those in the Indianapolis area averaged $29,380.

How Does This Compare to Other Jobs in the Same Industry

How does this compare to other jobs in the same industry? In terms of pay, Consumer durables jobs are typically lower paying than other industries. The median wage for a consumer durables job is $15.81 per hour or $32,860 per year. This is compared to the median wage for all industries, which is $17.09 per hour, or $35,540 per year. In terms of benefits, consumer durables jobs typically offer fewer benefits than other industries. Only 45% of consumer durables jobs offer health insurance, compared to 54% of all industries. And only 38% of consumer durables jobs offer retirement benefits, compared to 47% of all industries. Finally, in terms of job security, consumer durables jobs are less secure than other industries.

The unemployment rate for consumer durables jobs is 6%, compared to 5% for all industries. And the layoffs rate for consumer durables jobs is 1%, compared to 0.4% for all industries. As you can see, when it comes to paying, benefits, and job security, consumer durables jobs are typically not as good as other industries. But there are some upsides to working in the consumer durables industry: the hours are typically shorter (40 hours per week), and the work is generally less physically demanding than in other industries. So if you’re looking for a job that will give you more free time and won’t wear you out physically, a consumer durables job might be a good option for you. Here are more options to compare with other jobs in the same industry

Are There Any Courses or Training Programs Available That Could Help You Pursue a Career in This Field

There are many different consumer durables jobs available, and the pay can vary greatly depending on the position. For example, entry-level jobs in manufacturing or assembly may pay minimum wage or slightly above, while jobs in sales or marketing can pay significantly more. Jobs that require more experience or specialized training, such as product development or quality assurance, may also command higher salaries. Jobs in consumer durables are generally steady and offer decent benefits, such as health insurance and retirement programs. However, because employment competition may be fierce, it is critical to understand the exact needs of the roles you are interested in, as well as to take any applicable courses or training programs. With hard work and dedication, you can find a rewarding career in the consumer durables industry.


Indeed, according to a recent Indeed.com study, the average yearly salary for positions in the consumer durables market is more than $75,000. As a result, if you’re looking for a high-paying job in the manufacturing industry, consumer durables might be a great option for you. According to BLS estimates, the average salary for employees in the consumer durables manufacturing industry was $33,200 in May 2013. This figure is slightly below the average salary for all manufacturing jobs, which was $36,200 during the same period.

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