In 2022 Bogota leaves behind public lighting with yellow light and modernizes with LED

public lighting with yellow light

Lighting before the end of this year, yellow lights in public spaces will be a thing of the past in Bogotá. That is the objective of the lighting change plan led by the Mayor’s Office, through the Special Administrative Unit for Public Services (Uaesp), the operator Enel.

#IluminamosBogota is the largest public lighting modernization plan of the decade in Colombia. It is a joint effort between the District, through the Uaesp, and the company ENEL Colombia, which is changing the face of avenues, streets, bike paths, parks, and squares in the capital, where citizens will now have greater visibility.


“As we have already mentioned, when we arrived at the district government about half of the city was in sodium, an old and polluting technology, one that does not illuminate well a city as intense, busy, and nocturnal as Bogotá,” explained Mayor Claudia Lopez.

Added the president: “After 2 years of a joint effort we are going to do in 6 months what we had not been able to do in 2 years and that is with 213,000 million pesos of taxes from Bogota, we are going to deliver a one hundred percent illuminated Bogota. , white, sustainable, with less energy consumption, cheaper for the citizen, and more useful for the functioning of the city” Visit Here.

Mayor López also indicated that “Bogotá has around 361,000 lights and they will be LED technology or equivalent and will illuminate us 24/7, whenever we need it in any eventuality: we will have safer nights, with more entertainment, more sports, and more economic security. , and that also results in greater growth, vitality, and tranquility for the people of Bogota”.

Currently, the city has 361,327 lights, installed in 20 locations. To date, 200,535 have been modernized with LED light, and in the remainder of the year, another 54,551 luminaires will be updated from yellow light (sodium) to white LED light, which added to the more than 106,000 white lights with Metal Halide technology (CMH ) will cause the entire city to be illuminated with white light.

white light

This will allow a 48 percent reduction in the city’s energy consumption in this regard, thus helping to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, improving the perception of safety, and increasing visibility and appreciation of colors at the night for citizens.

Thanks to the installation of LED lights, the city in the last three years has saved more than 26,000 million pesos in the payment of fees for public lighting to the operator Enel Colombia. These savings will increase with compliance with the District’s lighting change plan.

Antonio Nariño, Rafael Uribe Uribe, Bosa, Chapinero, San Cristobal, and Sumapaz are the localities with the highest percentage of progress (more than 90 percent) in the change of luminaires to white light.

The Director of the Special Administrative Unit for Public Services (Uaesp) Luz Amanda Camacho said that “today we present to the public a completely white lighting and modernization plan for Bogota.

The Secretary of Security and Coexistence of Bogotá, Aníbal Fernández de Soto stated: “The change of lights represents a great contribution to the policies and plans that we are undertaking in terms of security and coexistence.”

At the time he added:

Rubio added that “with the installation of 55,000 LED technology lights, we will continue to advance in the modernization of the city’s public lighting, which contributes to making Bogotá one of the best-lit cities. The new technology allows an infrastructure that saves up to 40% in energy consumption, with a useful life of 15 years, factors that contribute to the sustainability of the city”.

Taking care of the public lighting of the city is a commitment that we all must assume. Citizens can report failures and obstructions in public lighting through line 115 so that the operator Enel can intervene and recover defective luminaires.

A fairer contract for Bogotá

In December 2021, Uaesp achieved the renegotiation of Agreement 766 of 1997 with Enel, which lacked enforceable contractual obligations for the District, for which an Addendum was signed that includes a contract termination clause, terms of execution thereof, policies, guarantees, and dispute resolution mechanisms that may arise.

With the updating of public lighting in Bogotá, the capital takes another step towards becoming a modern, safe, sustainable city with better lighting in public spaces.

LED light illuminates better, reduces road accidents, improves safety, improves the quality of spaces, beautifies architectural environments, and helps night economies.

“Thank you very much to the entire Uaesp team, they are making a real transformation of Bogotá, it is something spectacular because they are in charge of cleaning the city, the issue of recycling and lighting, which are key issues for the security of Bogotá. , they are the main ally of security, and when people ask us what the security policy is, the entire Mayor’s Office works on security issues,” Mayor López concluded at the end of the event.

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