Many people watch basketball and wonder how the people on TV or at their local parks learned all those amazing skills. If you are someone that wants a better understanding of the game, then you’re in the right place. Below you will find a great article with fascinating tips ton how to be a better basketball player.
When you’re dribbling the ball, you should avoid looking down at the ball. You should be able to dribble without staring at the ball. If you can dribble without seeing the ball, you’ll be able to keep your eyes on the rest of the game. This will help you to know who is open for a pass or if you have a chance to take a shot.
Improving your flexibility will greatly help you during a game. If you’re flexible, you’ll be able to move around defenders better. Flexibility will help you to move better when you’re being blocked. You’ll be able to do more moves than others which will result in you getting the change to score or pass freely without being blocked.
Make your passes quick and precise. This takes practice, but you can improve your passing skills over time. Find someone else who wants to improve their passing and run drills with them. Running up and down the court passing and dribbling will eventually become second nature and help you with your game.
Practice makes perfect. This is especially true in basketball. Learning how to shoot a basket, how to dribble and how to pass a ball is important to playing good basketball. Spending as little as 30 minutes practicing a day can really help develop your game and make you a better player.
Jump naturally when shooting the ball. Do not overjump or else you will throw the ball’s trajectory off course. Learn this technique by performing it in slow motion during your practice sessions. Jump vertically and do not release the ball until you are at the peak of your jump.
When you are playing in a game, try your best to forget your misses. Nothing good can come from you dwelling on the last shot you missed or the last 20 you missed. Each shot is a new opportunity to score. Stay clam and keep trying even if you miss a few. Dwelling on the miss will lead to you overreacting and missing even more.
Do sprints in your practice drills. Basketball is a very active sport for the entire game. And there are times in it when you need to pull up your last bit of energy for an extremely fast sprint to the opposite side of the court. Your body needs to be used to sprinting, even when worn out. You only accomplish this through practice.
Perform skills, practice your ball handling and shoot free throws when you are practicing alone. While it’s a team sport, you may not be able to find others that will play. Don’t fret! You can still get a lot accomplished with solo games. Work on free throws and pivot moves. There are always things that can be done.
When you’re working out, concentrate on core strength building and your footwork. Your body will naturally balance well if you have strong core muscles. Don’t forget to also work out muscles in your back, buttocks, abdomen and hips. Jump rope like a boxer to improve your fancy footwork.
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Always be aware of your feet. Stepping your toe in a baseline with a ball in your grip will mean that you’re out of bounds. In addition, if you move your feet and you don’t dribble, you will be called for walking. Avoid lifting your feet when you are screening or in position for a charge or the foul will be called on you instead of your opponent.
For more consistency in making those free throws, stick with the same sequence of motions before you take each shot. Focus on your shot and eliminate all outside distractions. This consistency will get your body in tune to do the same thing every time, increasing your chance to make shot after shot.
Have a good support system off of the court and appreciate their efforts. Whether it is your parents who support you by bringing you to games and financing your necessities or it is the sponsors who support your team, they all contribute to a winning team and should be acknowledged and appreciated.
You can improve your ability to handle the ball by working out your forearms and hands. One important exercise is wrist curls, which help you with your dribbling. Don’t ever believe you’re going to be able to stand still, receive a pass and take a shot. Things rarely happen unless you are actually moving the basketball.
The only thing you should ever pay attention to outside of the rectangle of the court is your coach yelling. Don’t mind what the fans are cheering or booing, or even how many people are in attendance. Certainly never listen to your parents. Your coach let you on the team and decides your playing time, not mom and dad.
When playing defense, practice slapping the ball up instead of down. If you slap the dribble down, the offensive player will have a better chance of regaining control of the ball. If you slap up at the dribble instead, it is much harder for the player to regain control of the ball.
Try practicing your dribbling while switching the momentum of your body from side to side. You’re going to be dribbling in many different conditions during a game. Going through the court will be easier if you can quickly adjust your direction without interrupting your dribbling. By nailing this skill, you have a better chance to avoid a turnover.
Reading the above article gave you great insights on what it takes to improve your basketball skills. Anyone can get better, but in order to perfect your technique you need to learn how to play the right way. Use the tips here to help you practice and improve your basketball skills.